I was diagnosed with Stage IIIB Breast Cancer Dec. 28, l991 and was in remission until Sept. 27, 2000. During the years in between I was thrown a few other debilitating challenges. Dealing with them all together was like swimming in quicksand at times, but it created a battle-scarred and relentless warrior in me, a survivor committed to doing something, no matter how small, to un-booby-trap the world for others, to make the world a better place by giving as much or more than I get and to put our leaders on notice to "do the right thing".
One in eight women get Breast Cancer. Some say that new statistics will say this is now 1 in 7 but seldom will you read that. That is too many. Our country needs to make it a priority to get rid of this merciless killer. Breast Cancer is the fastest growing of all the cancers, reaching near epidemic proportions in the United States, and research in this area will aid all cancers and auto-immune diseases ~ all are the enemy. And most are environmental, the result of screwing with nature. People ask, what can I do to help? I will give you some ideas and mostly I hope to wake you from your complacency and make you want to do something -- now and everyday.
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